About Surulia Zoo

Surulia Zoo, formerly known as Surulia Mini Zoo, situated at Purulia Town, 5.3 KM from Purulia Station. The Zoo is maintained cum operated by Department of Forest, Kangsabati North Division, Purulia. 

Surulia Zoo, is the premier Zoo in the State of West Bengal, in its class. Surulia Zoo.

History :

SuruliaMini Zoo was established in 1998 as a Spotted Deer Rescue–cum–Captive Breeding Centre with an area of 1.5 Ha. It was recognized as Mini Zoo by the Central Zoo Authority vide letter no. F No. 22-71/2004-CZA (457) (M) dated 05.08.2005. The CZA granted recognition to this Centre for a period up to 31.08.2009 subject to fulfilment of some conditions. Later recognition was extended up to 31st December, 2015.
The main objective of this Centre was to keep and breed of wild animal / species earlier found in South West Bengal region (Jungle Mahal) for their ultimate release / re-introduce in the recently rejuvenated forests of Purulia district. Initially the centre had 25 numbers of animals belonging to different species in the open air or caged enclosures. Later the inhabitants of Purulia town and other parts of the district became interested to visit the centre to take glimpses of local wild animals and birds.

Vision :

To develop the zoo to serve as a dynamic ex-situ nature conservation centre for the animals by preserving the indigenous bio-diversity of the region through scientific zoo management by trained staff and engaging in research activities the zoo can be developed as a centre of learning for people and make it self-sufficient to accomplish its objectives.

Mission :

To develop this mini zoo as a centre of excellence for ex-situ conservation and education and awareness programme by offering exceptional public service, recreation and interaction to help the future generation to become active citizens in wildlife conservation through nature education and awareness programmes.
To act as a centre for receiving ill, injured, seized, and orphaned animals of Purulia District for temporary shelter, treatment and realease of the same in the wild subject to availability of suitable habitat or otherwise scientific upkeep with strict adherence to the guidelines framed for the purpose.

Objectives :

Surulia Mini Zoo was established with a view to achieve the following objectives:

• For the exhibition and display of wild animals in their naturalistic conditions 
• For the disseminationofconservation education and awareness about wild animals and birds among general public especially youngsters
• To keep and breed wild animal, species earlier found in South West Bengal region (Jungle Mahal) for their release or re-introduction in the rejuvenated forests of the region
• To provide a safe abode to rescued wild animals, confiscated, injured orphaned and sick animals from human habitation or miscreants
• To promote research and education among school, college and university studentson the various aspects of ecology and behaviour of wild animals
• To maintain a gene pool of the wild animals and birds
• To instill among people a sense of belongingness and caring attitude towards wildlife




Happy Viewer


Total Staff



Glimpses of Animal Adopters' Meet & Tree Plantation Programme organized by Surulia Mini Zoo on 21.10.2022

Recent Activities


Zoo Portraits products are managed by several companies that are licensees and have the rights to produce and sell them. You can access their shops online directly from the “shop” section on our site. Many of these products are distributed by wholesalers to businesses all over the world.

Due to the large number of Zoo Portraits and production difficulties involving some of the products, collections have been limited by season and amount of animals.

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